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"Melancholic Gay" is a personal blog which contains some adult [including gay featured] stuff. 

"Melancholic Gay"는 성인컨텐츠[남성동성애 포함]를 블로깅하는 개인 블로그입니다. 

"Melancholic Gay"是个搜集发布成人【包括同性爱相关】信息的个人博客。

All of the posts on "Melancholic Gay" found freely online, if you are the owner of any exclusive right under copyright laws, or are authorized to act on behalf of such an owner, and you believe that a copyrighted work is being used on the "Melancholic Gay" blog in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, please send email to and let me know. Thanks 

"Melancholic Gay"에 포스팅하는 모든 자료는 인터넷에서 검색한 결과로 혹여 저작권에 위반한 음원, 이미지, 영사물 등 저작권 소유자는 rh0523@yahoo.com으로 메일로 저작권 관련 증빙자료를 첨부하여 삭제요청을 하시기 바랍니다. 

所有“Melancholic Gay”博客上的信息来自于网络。若您发现信息中有您著作权的信息,请发送邮件【附加著作权相关资料】至rh0523@yahoo.com告知删除。谢谢。
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